"A very thoughtful and caring present to ageing parents on all occasions".
Ageing brings its own health problems and some of them can certainly be prevented or kept under control.
This program is designed towards detection of such problem in women. Suitable for both professional and the busy housewife.
- General Physician
- General Surgeon/Orthopedic
- Gynaecologist Consultation
- Ophthalmologist Consultation
- Dietician Consultation
- CBC - Complete Blood Count
- ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- FBS/PPBS - fasting blood sugar (i.e., glucose) test/postprandial blood sugar test
- Lipid Profile
- SGOT/SGPT - serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase / serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
- BUN - blood urea nitrogen
- Sr. Creatinine
- Urine & Faeces ®
- Pap Smear (for Female - Papanicolaou test)
- PSA (for Male) - Prostate-specific antigen
- Serum Calcium (for Female)
- X-Ray Chest Stress test/ Echocardiography
- USG Abdomen - Ultrasound Sonography Test (USG)
- Mammography (for Female)